Nov 30, 2018

The Orvis Company Measures Customer Experience with Real-Time Metrics

Learn from The Orvis Company why online and brick-and-mortar stores are both necessary, and what the company does to continuously check their success rates in our BIW episode.

The Orvis Company’s Approach to E-Commerce, Mail-Order, and Brick-and-Mortar Retail Customer Experience

We knew we were in for something incredible before we even took the first step onto the campus of Orvis, an American staple of sporting good retail in business since 1856. Talk about a successful business model.

Our conversation with Dave Finnegan, Orvis’ CMO and CIO, took place in the great outdoors -- this is a company that lives its brand through and through. Dave oversees marketing, digital, e-comm, tech, and catalog to ultimately develop the optimal customer experience, whether shoppers come by in-store or online.

For more insights, download the "How to Rock Retail in the Modern World" ebook.


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